This week in Shanlan...

Shanlan Class - Year 1/2

Shanlan class are supported by Miss Mullins (class teacher), Mrs Cooke & Mrs Kerry.
Below is information about what we are working on this week:

Miss Mullins
PE, Dance & Art Coordinator

Mrs Cooke
Teaching assistant

Mrs Kerry
Teaching assistant

Maths -

W/C 04/03/34 - This week, the children are beginning to explore fractions (exploring halves and quarters). They will be exploring this concept very practically, before moving on to halves of numbers.

Writing -

W/C 04/03/24 - We will continue to build our grammatical features for our Non-chronological reports! Please ask your children some facts about Florence and Mary at home.

Reading -

W/C 26.02.24 - Mr Gritt's phonics group are exploring longer words with 4 or more sounds.

Miss Mullins phonics group are exploring alternative sounds in phase 5

Photos of our learning

Below are some photographs of our current and past learning:

July 2024


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