Welcome to Cadbury Nurture

Cadbury Team

Miss Emma Murphy SENCO

Mrs Lee Bradford

Miss Amy Casson

(Cadbury Specialist SEND Assistants.)

We are also supported by Mrs Dan Dovey, Mrs Jo Gaunt, Mrs Janette Leighton, Mrs Theresa Woodward and Mrs Kellie Taylor as Cadbury Carers.

Emotional Well-Being

Some times we need some help with our emotions. This website has lots of fantastic resources you can download to use (or make yourself if you don't have a printer)

Free Resources

There are fantastic links to learning resources and webpages as well as SEND resources and Well-Being support.

Useful contacts from Nottingham City Agencies.

Please signpost parents and use for yourselves:

Twitter Email Phone
@city_autism AutismTeam@nottinghamcity.gov.uk 0115 876 5311
@nottingham_LST LearningSupport@Nottinghamcity.gov.uk 0115 876 5311
@NottinghamBST BehaviourSupportTeam@nottinghamcity.gov.uk 0115 876 5340
0115 876 5340

Life Skills.

Whilst at home, consider small tasks for your child to complete such as helping your child to cook, bake, sew, hoover, dust or wash the pots!

High Praise indeed.

Our last OFSTED visit was in June 2019 and they loved visiting our children in Cadbury class! They even mentioned it in the report! "Specialist provision for a group of pupils with significant additional needs meets their individual needs very effectively. The use of Makaton throughout the day and a rich range of carefully chosen resources ensure that pupils make good progress towards their individual targets." OFSTED June 2019

Our aspirations are high, the provision is personalised to your child and we provide excellent opportunities for your child to develop holistically. We welcome you to speak with us and attend our open days to find out how your child is taught and see what amazing progress they are making with us. Arrange a meeting with Miss Mousley via the school office, catch me on the playground or email me at rmousley@victoriaprimaryschool.org.uk

Oxford Owl - free reading resource

Click on this link http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk and click on Class login.

Username: Cadbury

Password: choc

Choose a book for your child to listen to as they read along. Great for developing speech, language and communication skills as well as improving their reading and comprehension.

Further information

For more information please see our Special Needs page. Click on this link https://www.victoriaprimaryschool.org.uk/page.php?p=sen

Free Support

A new Dropbox has been created full of resources, leaflets and information on a range of topics such as EHCP, transition, sleeping, toileting, social stories and much more.

Access Dropbox by clinking this link https://www.dropbox.com/

For the username and password, please ask Miss Mousley (SENCo)

Sensory Room

For some children, the lights and sounds of school can be overwhelming and can cause anxiety or difficulty with learning. Our new sensory room will allow children time to process and understand their sensory needs. Our new projector, which creates moving images across the walls, will also be used within our curriculum to support children with their reading and writing.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either Lee Bradford or Emma Murphy via the school office.

October 2024


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