Foundation Subjects
We teach History, Geography, Design & Technology, PSHE, Music and Art through a creative and themed approach as well as in distinct lessons. We update parents regularly on the topics covered across each phase.
At Victoria children are taught to use multi-media devices as tools for researching, developing ideas and showing findings creatively. We achieve this via learning about instructions, which leads into the world of coding. Pupils are also taught about digital literacy, including keeping safe online.
Foreign Languages
Children are introduced to the languages of our diverse local community from Reception Class and develop their language skills through community language lessons in Years 2, 3 and 4. Pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 have regular Spanish lessons.
Children take part in a song-based curriculum beginning in Reception, broadening to include more specific skills in Key Stage 1. In Key Stage 2, children learn to play the guitar, use music technology and gain a wider understanding of music in the real world.
Physical Education and Healthy Living
Our pupils have regular PE lessons and active play is encouraged every day. Children learn athletics, dance, team and individual sports and competitive performance. Achievement is celebrated and the Victoria Sports Day is an annual highlight. Children have swimming lessons in Year 4.
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
This helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead to confident, healthy, independent lives and to be informed and responsible citizens. Children learn to articulate their feelings, to identify the causes of their emotions and to develop coping strategies for certain feelings. They learn to set themselves goals and to make good choices about health and well-being.
Religious Education
We provide non-denominational religious education for all children including learning about the religions observed by their classmates. In assembly, we emphasise how our values relate to our school community and the world around us. Assemblies are non-denominational and we commemorate the major festivals observed by our pupils.