Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

We believe that promoting the health and wellbeing of our pupils is a vital part of their development. We do this through our personal, social, health and emotional (PSHE) curriculum. Relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) is the statutory element of our PSHE curriculum. All Primary schools in England are recommended to teach about conception and birth.

During the Summer term we teach lessons about RSHE as part of PSHE which while delivering our ‘Changing Me’ unit of work across Years 1-6. This unit will include topics such as naming body parts; families; puberty; babies and birth; relationships and communication skills and pregnancy.

Our RSHE policy and the full content of our RSHE curriculum can be found on the right hand side of this webpage in the following documents. >>>>

RSHE Victoria Curriculum Content and Images and PSHE Curriculum Progression (RSHE content is primarily taught during the 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' units).

RSHE is a statutory subject this means schools must teach certain content by law. Although parents can withdraw their child from the sex education element (any lessons referring to Human Reproduction marked in circled below), we want to assure parents that our curriculum is taught in an age-appropriate manner and provides pupils with the time to ask questions in a safe environment. As Puberty is part of the Health strand of RSHE this is statutory education and you may not withdraw your child from these sessions according to Government guidelines.

During these lessons, pupils will be able to ask questions, which will be answered factually in an age-appropriate manner. Each pupil's privacy will be respected, and no one will be asked to reveal personal information. Please note mixed-age classes will be separated for these sessions to ensure age-appropriate content is taught.

Our RSHE curriculum is a carefully planned and is there to ensure our pupils can navigate the world around them safely. An un-informed child is often a child left vulnerable and we want to empower our pupils here at Victoria Primary School.

Where exactly does RSHE teach Puberty and Human Reproduction in Years 1-6?

These topics are covered during the ‘Changing Me’ Unit taught during the Summer term.

Although parents can withdraw their child from the sex education element (any lessons referring to Human Reproduction are circled below), we want to assure parents that our curriculum is taught in an age-appropriate manner and provides pupils with the time to ask questions in a safe environment. As Puberty is part of the Health strand of RSHE this is statutory education and you may not withdraw your child from these sessions.

How do I withdraw my child from the Human Reproduction aspect of the RSHE curriculum?

A consultation letter will be sent to parents before the 'Changing Me' unit is taught in the Summer Term. There is a request slip at the bottom of this letter to opt out of any content relating to human reproduction.

January 2025


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