Welcome to Forest School & Garden
Forest School in Victoria Primary
Welcome to Forest School
Summer 2
Year 1 and 2
Art work in forest school
Reception class
Looking after the garden
Learning about the snails
We are learnig to use tools
Digging the bed for our vegetables
Year 1 and 2
Learning about plants and making herb potions
Work inspired by Van Gogh
Year 3 and 4
Healthy food- making canapes and drinking elder-flower cordial using plants from our garden
Summer 1
Year 4
We are learning to use a range of different tools.
Year 1
We are studying art inspired by work of Vincent Van Gogh
Reception class is exploring the first spring blossom
Preparing for Easter celebrations
Spring time planting and growing time in our school garden
The broad beans are sowed.
The broad beans are now transplanted to their growing place
Radishes are sowed in our "salad bar".
More digging to be done to prepere the soil for the new plants
We enjoy whittling the willow sticks. It is also very therapeutic
Mrs Gren helps us to remember how to identify Living Things
We celebrated the Lunar New Year with the story of willow pattern.
We painted some spring blossom
Reception class is learning about our local area. The children are studying and drawing maps
We are choosing the best way to walk across the school field.
Year 3/4 are learning about living things
Year 1/2 were making studying plants and flowers
We made a garden full of our favourite blooms
Reception winter walk
A stickman?
The joys of Autumn
Diwali leaf fireworks
The story of Rama and Sita for our Diwali celebration
The toy exhibition for our parents
Forest Guardians
Year 1 and 2 are learning how to make their own toys.
The Reception class enjoyed exploring the forest school activities
We know how to look after our school guinea pig
We have found a big spider web!
The story time by the fire in Forest School
Our work in Forest School
Summer 2
We show respect
We share this land
We walk together
Hand in hand
Year 2
Making their castles even more splendid
Making Garden Guardians
Our slackline is great to challenge each other to balance, walk across or to jump! It is a fun to play on it with friends young or older!
Our garden needs lots of watering! Thank you Reception!
Year 4 are learning about plants. We collected flowers, leaves, seeds and stems
Building castles- Year2
Our garden in the summer sun
Summer 1
Reception class
We have been explorers, artists, botanists and zoologists
Year 3 and 4 topic is Egyptians
We were learning about the Ancient Egyptian gods and made some new gods using the woodland animals as our inspiration.
Year 1 and 2 are learning about Plants
These are all flowering in our school garden at the moment
Can you name them?
Plant inspired art
Spring 2
We are building nests ready for our Easter Egg Hunt!
Egg Hunt was a great success!
We have started sowing seeds and planting in our garden. Spring is on its way.
Sowing peas and broad beans
Planting onions
We always make sure to put the worms back in their natural habitat
We have some time left to do some whittling
...and designing and building castles
and homes for birds
Reception class are looking for bears hiding in our garden.
Year 1 and 2 are studying plants and need to find the first spring flowers in our garden.
It is hailing! The weather can be very changeable
Spring 1
The first sign of spring in our school garden-snowdrops
Year 1 and 2 were learning about the Great Fire of London.
We were learning about the dangers of fire and about the ways to keep ourselves safe.
Reception children celebrated Chinese New Year with a story telling guest and the lion dance
Children were learning how to make kites and tested them on the playground
Autumn 2
Children have made some Christmas decoration during their Forest school lessons
Years 3/4
We used the Japanese art of Notan- dark and light harmony- to create these spectacular pictures
Learning about light and shadows
Years 1/2
Our school guinea pig was posing for our art project. We used the inspiration from Andy Warhol's pop art.
Reception class
Year 1 and 2 Leaf fireworks
Year 3
We are learning about colour, texture and shape
Our guinea pig Candy is going on half-term holidays
Reception class
We went on a Bear Hunt and we made some houses for our bears
Year 1
Looking for mini habitats
We made some bear masks and designed some special houses for our little bears
Year 3
Learning about the Stone Age
Here are some examples of our ephemeral art
What a wet day we had in the Forest School today! it did not stop us from going out.
We made a vegetable garden using a box and some pictures of vegetables from old catalogs.
Even the hungry bunnies will not be able to get through the wall of our garden.
Year 3 and 4 are learning about the Romans this term.
We are learning how they built forts for their legionaries
This one looks great!
We studied the way the Romans built their roads
Look at our Roman numerals
Reception class planted some onions, measuring the distance with their hands.
We also planted some potatoes.
We fed Candy with grass and dandelions
Year 1 and 2 finished their topic about The British Isles. We learned that daffodils are the national emblem flower of Wales. We did some close observations of this flower and tried to draw as many details as possible. We did pretty well!
We learned about all nations in the United Kingdom, creating a map with a different emblem flower for each nation: daffodil, thistle, rose and shamrock.
Spring 1/2
We were learning about different methods that birds use to make their nests.
Later we had an amazing egg hunt to celebrate Easter
Year 3 and 4 are learning about symmetry. We all used the same materials but each picture was different like in a kaleidoscope.
We can trust our friends knowing they will look after us
Reception children celebrated Chinese New Year
Year 3 are learning how plants can help them to have a healthy diet and better environment to play and rest in
Reception are learning to make friendship bracelets to exchange them with their friends .
Year 1 and 2 are learning about animals. Why not to start our learning journey with our school guinea pig Candy.
Autumn 2
We made some Christmas decorations
Making autumnal crowns for the kings and queens of the forest school
The Autumn Queen in her castle
Year 3 are learning about Ancient Greece
We listened to the Greek myth about Medusa and made Medusa clay masks
We are celebrating Diwali by watching the story of Rama and Sita
We have made some leaf fireworks to celebrate Diwali and Bonfire Night
Year 1 has been learning about Van Gogh. We painted some flowers and made two wonderful displays for the classroom. I am sure Mr Van Gogh would be proud of their work
Harvest display in the school garden
We have done a food collection to support our local Food Bank
Reception class
Candy loves being stroked and fed
We are using chalk to draw in puddles
We are enjoying feeling the texture of conkers, acorns and berries
We are decorating Elmer with colourful leaves
Reception made a leaf Elmer
We are talking about the way that conkers feel: cold, smooth, hard
We are setting up a harvest display
Year 1 are playing game of collecting conkers
We have made some observational painting of our garden vegetables
Forest school Club children collect seeds from our bean plants
Year 3
We have rebuilt our BUG HOME and fitted it with new sticks and bricks for bugs to hide in and hibernate through the winter
Super work at taking the bark off the willow stick
Year 1
Year 1 has been checking the school grounds for the signs of Autumn
We found some flowers, insects and snails
What are you making using this big mallet?
A perfect enclosure for the elephant
Our school guinea pig loves hay
We have harvested some potatoes ready for our Harvest Festival
Forest school club children are litter picking around our school
We have made some tree guardians to protect our trees
We have made a wonderful castle
Our mud kitchen Star Baker with her pumpkin pie