Welcome to Year 1 and Year 2
Welcome to Year 1/2
Welcome to Year 1 and 2's web page. Here you will find all the information that you need to support your child through the next school year.
We had a fantastic first half-term, the children worked incredibly hard and produced some amazing work!
This half-term will be another busy, fun-filled term where the children will think deeply about the world around them.
Please see your child's class page for more specific information and some fantastic examples of work!
We are delighted to welcome all our pupils and their families back to school. We can't wait to hear all about your autumn break.
- Please bring your child's reading books to school every day.
- School starts at 8:45 am and classroom doors shut at 8:55 am, your child must arrive on time.
- Label all pieces of uniform, PE kits and wellie boots - things get lost very easily!
Autumn 2 - What will the children be learning?
This half term, we’ll be exploring Goldilocks in Space in English! The children will dive into different versions of the classic tale, expanding their vocabulary along the way. Here’s a space joke to kick things off:
Why did Goldilocks become an astronaut?
Because she was looking for a planet that was just right!
This intergalactic adventure is sure to be a blast!
In our topic lessons, we’ll be working on building Baby Bear a brand-new chair! If you have any spare toilet roll holders, we’d greatly appreciate them for our latest project. We’ll also be comparing the cities of Warsaw and Nottingham.
Your Year 1/2 Team
Miss E Murphy is the class teacher for Lovelace Class.
Miss S Whistler is the class teacher for Pankhurst Class.
Miss A Byrne is the class teacher for Anning Class.
PE and Forest School
Lovelace class will have P.E on
Pankhurst class will have P.E on
Anning class will have P.E on Wednesday and Thursday
Please ensure you bring the correct P.E. kit, labelled with your child's name, on these days.
Lovelace class has Forest School on Tuesday PM.
Pankhurst class has Forest School on Tuesday PM.
Anning class has Forest School on Tuesday PM.
Please ensure your child brings a warm coat and wellies on this day. It would be useful to practice putting the wellies on at home so no time is wasted at school.
If you have any questions on this, please contact one of the year 1/2 team.
Behind the Class Names
Ada Lovelace is considered to be the first computer programmer. She was a mathematical genius and realised that computers could follow simple instructions to perform complex calculations.
Emmeline Pankhurst fought hard for equal voting rights for women and showed fantastic resilience. She played a vital role in society.
Mary Anning was best known for being a key female fossil hunter in Victorian times. She discovered many remains of dinosaurs and even the first skeleton of the Pleiosaurus!