Autumn 2 Learning

Autumn 2

Geography - Seas and Oceans

The children will be exploring the world's seas and oceans and answering the important questions like why do oceans and seas matter? Why are our seas and oceans suffering? Why is there so much plastic in our seas and oceans? What can we do to help our seas and oceans?

This will link to their English work where they will be discovering the world's ecosystems through the beautiful book, 'The Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth, written and illustrated by Rachel Ignotofsky.

In our Geography lesson, we sorted items which are made of plastic, are not made of plastic and items which may contain plastic. We then looked at commonly found plastics in the oceans and how plastics enter the ocean.



In science the children will be grouping together animals and plants with common biology, features and characteristics. For instance, animals can be classified as either vertebrates or invertebrates. However, if we look in more detail, we can separate vertebrates into reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals.


In DT, children researched and designed their own pop-up books based on the story of Hansel and Gretel for children in Year 1. Children then made their books using different mechanisms and evaluated their finished pieces.


As part of our Personal, social, health and economic education the children will be learning about the dangers of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We approach the subject in a sensitive way and discuss the impact on people's mental and physical health. We discuss strategies to avoid peer pressure when they are in the community. If you would like to discuss any issues surrounding this subject please speak to your class teacher.


Both Year 5 and 6 will be focusing on fractions this term. They will be adding and subtracting fractions, finding equivalent fractions and Year 6 will be even multiplying and dividing fractions. Homework will be linked on Purple Mash. There are also lots of different websites you can use to support your child.

Note: All above images have a Creative Commons licence.

July 2024


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