Welcome to Remote Learning

Lockdown Information

During this current lockdown, all of our teachers will be setting work on Seesaw. All families will have received individual log-ins for this by email.

Each of the online classes will have videos that the children must watch prior to them doing their work. This will be the format for English, Phonics or VIPERS and Maths.

For other curriculum areas the children will be set a range of tasks including from our teacher's videos, activities, specialist videos from other providers and so on.

Once your child has completed their work they should submit it to their teacher on Seesaw.

The teacher will provide feedback for all work submitted.

We know that remote learning requires children having access to a suitable device and the internet. If this is a concern or issue for you, as a family, please contact the school office to discuss how we can support you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly, if you are unsure of anything or require further information.

Class Bubble Closures and Individuals in Self Isolation

The link below provides further information around remote learning provision:

Remote Education Information 2021

Remote Learning

October 2024


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