Year 6 key information

Uniform and equipment

Year 6 is the last year in primary school and therefore we expect children to be independent and responsible for their uniform and belongings. All pupils are expected to wear school uniform including black shoes. For a detailed list of the uniform please look on the website under information.

For PE, children are expected to wear royal blue shorts and a white tee shirt. In winter it is a good idea to bring some warm joggers incase we are outside. Sensible trainers without black soles are also needed. Please can children bring in their PE kits from Monday to Friday and take it home to wash at the weekend as the timetable can sometimes alter.

Home school diaries should be brought in to school everyday. If they are lost then they cost £3 to replace.


Year 6 are expected to complete homework weekly including spellings. The homework will be linked to their learning that week or will be embedding previous learning so is crucial to their progress.


Children should be reading everyday for at least ten minutes to enable them to progress and access learning across the curriculum. It also dramatically improves their writing as their understanding of sentence structure improves and their vocabulary. Reading books and diaries should be brought in to school everyday and if they have read it should be signed by an adult.

September 2024


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