

Keep up to date with what we have been getting up in Years 3 and 4. Also, any important information about dates and events will be posted here.

Only children who have photo permission will be able to have their photos posted on our website- please make sure this is up to date information with the office.

Summer 2

Cuffay worked together thinking of great -ing verbs for their -ing clauses for their Beowulf writing. I can't wait to read their final pieces of writing.


Cuffay have been writing on tables!!

Summer 1


A huge congratulations to our young writer winner. Her writing is going to be published into a book!! We are very proud.

Fruit Kebab- DT project

The children enjoyed using their knife skills (bridge hold and claw grip) to slice/ chop the fruits they had chosen. Some children chose to eat them straight away and some will be bringing them home. No fingers were lost!

Shout out!

A MASSIVE shoutout to Bowden class for winning the attendance award for two weeks in a row with a whoppig 99% - super proud


The children have been learning how shadows are formed. We explored them by making hand shadows (when it was sunny). Then, they had to make a free standing model using tin foil to create the craziest shadow.

Green Meadows

Yesterday, Cuffay walked to the Arkwright Meadows Community Gardens were the learned more about growing fruits and vegetables. We did a fun scavenger hunt and enjoyed a drink in the sun.


Check out Cuffay's published newspaper articles on the Iron Man. I am sure you agree they are fantastic, applying their learning and becoming journalists.


The children did lots of learning on our trip to the national justice museum. We learned more about punishments and what would happen if you had committed a crime. If you had long hair and teeth these would help buy extra things in jail. We also found that Karly Cooper guilty in our mock trial.

Green Meadows

Cuffay have been learning about food waste. Did you know 1.4 million bananas are wasted every day in the UK. So instead of wasting them we decided to make banana bread.

The children can let you know how it tastes after today!

Forest School

The children had a great time learning new skills in forest schools today.

Green Meadows

Today, Cuffay looked at how our food is packaged and transported and how this impacts on our environment.


This week in dance we explored different formations taking inspiration from Britain's Got Talent golden buzz act from last year Ghetto kids. We then practiced our starting positions for our dance to a Matilda classic.

Cuffay 100% attendance children :D

Well done to our work hard, be kind and scholarly achievers for last half term.

Spring 2

Fruit tiles

Final fruit tiles using clay.

Step it up challenge

Cuffay came 5th in our whole school step it up challenge set up by our eco warriors to reduce car emissions. The children were trying to walk, bike or scooter to school every day for a week.

ART- Fruit tiles

Cuffay have been making their fruit tiles out of clay this week. After they have dried, they will be painting them.

Library visit

The class enjoyed sharing books at the library and choosing their own to bring back to school.

Road Safety Quiz

Cuffay class did quite well in the road safety quiz this week. We went through the correct answers to make sure they know how to stay safe when using the roads.

Spring 1

The results are in....

Well done Cuffay the highest placed in our phase!!

Cuffay's most valuable players adding lots of points to our class total. Well done!

Times table tournament

Come on year 3 and 4... one week to go to get your class points and win the times table tournament!

Number Day

The children enjoyed dressing up as a number, Miss Dean's assembly and maths quizzes and problems this afternoon! We love maths!

Year 3 Reading: The BFG by Roald Dahl

Year 3 have been thoroughly enjoying their class read the BFG by Roald Dahl. Last week we did some fantastic paired work where our partner read to us and we drew what we visualised the other giants look like.

Me vs Me Challenge- beat yourself week

This time, the children completed the 6 challenges and they had to beat their previous score. If they beat their score from last time they got a gold wrist band.

A huge well done to these children who beat their score by the most points and Rio for winning the sportsmanship award.

Well done boys for winning the gold challenge-getting all the bean bags in the target.

The teachers managed to win teacher vs children challenge. Winning by just one point!!

Year 3 Me Vs Me - beat yourself week

Year 3 absolutely smashed their 6 challenges - beating their previous scores! We had so much fun too.

It also pains me to say, the year 3 little legends also beat the teacher in the class vs teacher challenge.

DT (making pavilion structures)

This week year 3 have started to make their pavilion structures using recyclable materials. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are excited to add cladding and make their structures aesthetically appealing next week!

Magna Science Trip

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic day at the Magna science adventure centre this week. The children learned all about electrical circuits in a brilliant hands-on workshop, finding out how to create a circuit with a working light bulb, motor, buzzer and fan in order to dry a piece of fabric. Then children spent the rest of the day learning about each of the scientific elements through the AMAZING interactive discovery rooms.

Please see how much fun we all had in the photos bellow:

Y3 North:

Y3 / 4 Cuffay:

Yr 4 Bowden:

Me Vs Me Challenge

Cuffay and North class will be challenging their personal best scores next Wednesday 31st of January. LET'S GET PRACTISING!

Please share the following links with your children so they can practise from home:

Me Vs Me Challenge

Cuffay class had so much competing in session 1 of their me vs me challenge. The completed 6 sporting activities and put in some fab scores. We had 6 winners and team USA won the team challenge. Session 2 will be all about beating their score they did today. Remember to keep practicing at home!!

It pains me to say the class beat the teachers in the class vs teacher challenge. It came down to sudden death (and moving the teacher's cone back).

Autumn 2

Christmas Card Competition

Well done to our highly commended children for their efforts and to everyone else who entered the competition.


Here are some of the children's final pieces of work they have been working towards- Egyptian Wall Art.

Christmas Party

Sorry we didn't get many photos- we were too busy partying. Thank you for the party food contributions. The children had a fabulous afternoon.

Christmas Dinner

Thank you to Chris our cook and all her staff for cooking a delicious Christmas dinner for our children. We all enjoyed it!

Award winners

A huge well done to all the children who received a work hard, be kind or scholarly certificate. We are extremely proud of your achievements.

And well done to the children who came to school every day this term, earning 100% attendance certificate

Well done

Individual awards for their contribution on times table challenges. Well done boys!

Times table challenge

Boys are currently winning boys vs girls on TT rockstars

There is still time to get on and boost your teams' points.


We are currently at the planning stage. The children have been planning their explanation texts for their you tube channel all about the water cycle.

Autumn 1

Smoothie Making

Aspens, our lunch providers, came in and made smoothies with our children. They learnt about healthy choices and what they can put in them.

Book Covers

Here are some photos of the children's book covers- they have really worked hard sewing their hems and attaching fastenings.

Ancient Greeks

Amazing writing to round off our topic work on the Ancient Greeks. Here are some examples of their fantastic leaflets.

University trip

Roboducks- the children got to apply their learning from electricity to make their roboducks in a cool university science lab and carry out an experiment using dry ice. The children also had a tour of the university to see what else it has to offer its students. The children were very inspired!

Cuffay Class are now building up to their final write for Pugs of the Frozen North. They have planned their journey for Shen and Sika to get to the snowfather. Look out for their published pieces next week.

In maths this week, we have been using place value counters and base 10 to add and subtract.

In science, the children have been learning about solids, liquids and gasses. They have carried out different science investigations. Please ask them about what they found out.

Our final postcards from Shen.

The children planned their postcards in groups


July 2024


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Year 3 / Year 4 News

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