Key Information



Please support your child by reading with them every evening for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Reading regularly will also:

  • Build confidence
  • Build a wider range of vocabulary
  • Help with spelling
  • Build a rich imagination

We have some lovely books for the children to choose from to bring home and read

Also, our brilliant library books to choose from too.

Don't forget to record your reading in your diary.


Children will receive a maths and english task each week. This will usually be on purple mash. Login details will be sent out during the first week back.

Times Tables

Please encourage children to practice their times tables up to 12 x 12. Children are expected to recall all these times tables and know the division facts. At the end of Year 4, children will be completing a times table test on the computer. They will only have 6 seconds to answer each question so they must know them well! Also, the times tables are in the back of the reading diaries. Please see our timestable page for useful websites.

Vocabulary- Words of the Week

Each week, children will be given 10 new words to learn which will be recorded in their diaries. Please practice these at home with your child ready for the spelling test on Friday mornings.

1. Can you read the word?

2. Do you know what the word means? Look at the prefixes and suffixes- how do they change the meaning of the word?

3. Can you spell the word? How have you learnt to spell it (phonics, chunking, rhyme)?

4. Can you use it correctly in a sentence.

5. Do you know more than one meaning of the word> Does the meaning depend on how the word is used in the sentence (verb, adjective, noun, adverb)?


Summer 1: This half term, Physical Education will take place twice every week. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school as it is part of school uniform.

North Class - Thursday (Swimming)

Cuffay Class - Tuesday and Thursdays (Dance)

Bowden Class - Tuesday and Thursdays (Dance)

Forest Schools

Forest School is on a Wednesday afternoon for children in Bowden and Cuffay classes. Children must bring wellies and a coat. All personal belongings should be clearly labelled.

July 2024


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