This week in Lovelace

Lovelace Class - Year 1

Lovelace class are supported by:

Mr Gritt (Class teacher, Reading Coordinator & KS1 lead)

Mrs Cooke
Teaching assistant

Mrs Kerry
Teaching assistant

Spellings this week -

Maths -

W/C 04/03/34 - This week, the children are beginning to explore fractions (exploring halves and quarters). They will be exploring this concept very practically, before moving on to halves of numbers.

Writing -

W/C 04/03/24 - We will continue to build our grammatical features for our Non-chronological reports! Please ask your children some facts about Florence and Mary at home.

Reading -

W/C 26.02.24 - Mr Gritt's phonics group are exploring longer words with 4 or more sounds.

Miss Mullins phonics group are exploring alternative sounds in phase 5

Photos of our learning

Below are some photographs of our current and past learning:

W/C - 3/4/24 - This week we are learning some new grammatical features to help us write our non-chronological reports on Florence Nightingale & Mary Seacole! We have had to use the conjunctions 'but' and apostrophes for singular possession. Here are some fantastic examples above!

This week, we combined all of our knowledge of sculptures to finally create our own scultures of birds. Some of us found this very tricky but we followed our class rule of 'not giving up' and ended up with some fabulous pieces!

Lovelace had an amazing trip last half term to the University of Nottingham to compliment our Toys topic. We got the chance to explore different historical artefacts and used our knowledge of History to make comparisons.

Lovelace created Batik art masterpieces using wax and paint! We had to be super careful when using the hot wax and took our time to design some interesting designs for our patterns.

Lovelace class have spent this half term learning how to become a successful writer by practising our Rainbow Grammar skills! Look at our amazing writing skills below:

July 2024


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