This week in Lovelace

Lovelace Class - Year 1

Morning Work:

Arriving to school on time at 8:45am means we have the opportunity to recall our previous learning. Please see below for examples of what we achieve in the first 15 minutes of our day.


Our English text is Goldilocks in Space. We have looked at the features of a narrative text. We have particularly enjoyed using ! to punctuate our sentences. Going on an adventure to outer space is an exciting experience!

We had lots of practise jumping, running and dancing in our classroom. A verb describes an action. We used our phonics knowledge to write verbs.

We have been introduced to Rainbow grammar: subject, predicate and stop. We worked collaboratively to sequence the sentence using subject, predicate and stop.

We have worked hard to remember the important components of a sentence. A capital letter at the start, finger spaces and punctuation (. or !). Miss Murphy is very proud of the effort we are putting into forming letters correctly and using descenders and ascenders.

We worked collaboratively to write sentences that include the conjunction 'and'.


We have been learning about 2D shapes. This half term, we need to be able to name circle, triangle, square and rectangle and discuss the shapes properties.

PSHE: The Environment

We have been learning how to be responsible citizens by taking care of our environment. We worked together to share roles and responsibilities to litter pick our school site. We have thought about other ways we can look after our environment including turning off lights, reusing materials and considering water wastage.

February 2025


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