Supporting your child at home

A Useful Website - Advice from Miss Byrne

Wondering how to support your child with Maths at home? Confused with all the different strategies?

Follow the below link:

This website has fantastic videos you can watch about how we teach Maths. They clearly model each step and provide questions for your child to answer. Please explore Year 1 and 2 videos.


Homework and Reading

There is an expectation that your child brings their reading diary and book to school every day. We have been extremely lucky to have received brand new reading books for the children to take home this year. It is important that you look after these books as any books that get damaged, will have to be replaced by the parent of the child who damages the book.

Please ensure that you read your school reading book at home daily. The more regular a child reads, the quicker they develop their skills which help in every subject that we teach.

KS1 children will be given homework every Friday via Purple Mash (logins will be given to the children during week 1) and we expect this to be submitted online by the following Friday.

KS1 children will also be given key spellings to practise at home. These spellings are the words expected to be spelt by the end of the school year so please ensure to regularly practise these at home.

July 2024


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