What's been happening in Nursery?
Autumn 2
Happy Christmas
Baking gingerbread men
Important visitors: firefighters, dental nurses an
We are learning to make patterns
We love snow- inside and outside
People Who Help Us
We can help each other
We love to read at school
Stay and Read
Our story this week: Mrs Wishy Washy
We have started brushing our teeth at school
Baking carrot cupcakes is so much fun
Welcome to Nursery 2024-2025
Forest school-learning outside
Playing and exploring: our first two weeks
Please have a look at all the fun we had last year!
Sports Day
Nursery performing for the residents of Care Home
Dressing up and Waffle Party
Celebrating Father's Day in the garden
Outdoor activities and making spider biscuits
On the Stage 1
We have the whole world in our hands
I am proud of myself and my work
Learning outside-our forest school walk
Trip to the park-Clean Meadows
Learning about houses and building
Reading, writing and counting
Happy Mother's Day
Ask me what I was doing in the Nursery
We are learning about pets
SPRING 1 Animals around us
Is it Christmas yet?
My Pet Star-story with parents
Christmas concerts at school and the local residen
Lulu's Birthday
Let's celebrate Bonfire Night and Diwali
New Learning inspired by Mr Panda
Please, Mr Panda -our first Stay and Read
Learning from our teachers and from each other
Autumn 1 Our First Days in Victoria Primary School
Autumn1 Playing and Exploring Outside