This Term

Nursery 2024-2025

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be learning about what it means to be helpful and about the important roles lots of different people play in our lives - we will be visited by dentists, policemen, vets, doctors, firefighters and more.

This term we will be reading:

In Maths we will be learning about AB and ABC patterns. We will be reading, matching, extending and fixing patterns.

We will be counting and subitising numbers to 3

Rhymes we will learn:

Autumn 1

We welcome all children to our Nursery at Victoria Primary school for the new academic year. Hopefully, you have had lots of fun, adventure and also time to rest during your summer holidays!

Our topic this half-term is EMOTIONS and we have planned a range of exciting activities for our children to explore.

This term we will be reading:

The rhymes and songs we will be learning:

In Maths we will be sorting out objects by colour and size

December 2024


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