Welcome to Year 3
Welcome back for our final term of Year 3!
Remember school starts at 8.35am and finishes at 3.05pm.
Your Year 3 Team
Miss White is the class teacher for Stevenson Class.
Miss Mullins is the class teacher for Brunel Class.
Mrs Kaur is our amazing teaching assistant working in both Year 3 classes.
Behind the Class Names
Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish author, poet, musician and wrote about his travels. One of his most famous stories is Treasure Island.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was one of the most versatile and inventive engineers of the 19th century, responsible for the design of tunnels, bridges, railway lines and ships.
Topic: Healthy Lifestyles
Maths: Place value, Addition and Subtraction, Fractions, Measures, Statistics, Multiplication and Division.
English: Autobiography and Narrative
DT: Making Shadufs
Music: Learning to play rhythmns on the Djembe drums
Spanish: Basic questions and phrases
Science: Nutrition for animals & humans; skeletons and muscles; Plants
PSHE: Healthy choices
Cooking: Design and make a healthy dish
Art: Design and make a clay fruit tile
PE Kit and Forest School
Please ensure your child brings their correct PE kit to school on Tuesday and Friday.
Forest School is on Thursday so children must bring wellies and a coat. All personal belongings should be clearly labelled.
Learning at Home
All children must have their reading diary and reading book in school every day. Reading at home really does make a difference to your child’s progress, so please encourage your child to read for 5 minutes every day. Missing books will be charged for (£5 per book).
Times tables and spellings are in reading diaries so please encourage your child to use this information.
If you need anything, just give us a shout.
Miss Mullins, Miss White and Mrs Kaur.