
Keep up to date with what we have been getting up in year 4 (only children who have photo permission will be able to have photos posted).

Also any important information about dates and events will be posted here.

Bronte have elected Sanjay and Sienna as their new school council representatives. A huge congratulations to both of them. We know they are going to do a fantastic job in their new important roles!

Pankhurst have elected Tiao and Heila as their new school council representatives. A big congratulations to both of them. We wish them lots of luck in their new roles!

Work Hard Be Kind

A huge well done to Bronte's first winners.

Sanjay- Work Hard and Kayden- Be kind.

Monday 14th September

Today's winners were Sienna (be Kind) and Kaushik(work hard). Well done to both our winners.

Monday 21st September

This week winners, who received their certificates from Mr Gray, were Bliss and Patrick! Fantastic role models for Bronte class!

Monday 28th September

Congratulations to this weeks winners Zachariya and Mikolaj. Fantastic effort last week from both boys!

Monday 5th October

A huge well done to our winners this week, chosen by Miss Grieve; Natanim and Deborah.

This weeks winners in Pankhurst: Reece and Ben! A huge well done!

New books!!!

Exciting news, we have had a large delivery of new brown band books. We ask you take good care of these books as school can't afford to replace damaged books and parents will be charged £5 if a book is returned damaged. Thank you in advance.


Children should be reading at least 5 times a week at home (this doesn't always have to be their school book). This should be recorded in their diaries. This is monitored in year 4. This week in Bronte 14 children hadn't read 3 times!!

Monday 12th October

The boys were showing us how it is done last week. Well done Kamarlei and Kacper for being awarded work hard and be kind certificates this week :D Keep it up!

A huge well done to our winners this week in Pankhurst: Ellamay and Harman!

TT Rockstars

Each child will have their new username and password stuck into their diaries (like the picture below).

Please login at home and practise your times tables. It is a brilliant, fun website! We will also be using it in school.

If you have any problems logging in please let us know!

Happy timestabling!!

Monday 19th October

Girl Power this week! A big well done to Lydia and Arihanna on being awarded the certificates this week! What super role models!

Ancient Greek Day

Year 4 dressing up last year!

Tuesday 3rd November

Please come dressed up as an Ancient Greek. No need to go buy a new costume. Simply use a bedsheet and belt. We will be participating in lots of fun activities to start of our new topic on the Ancient Greeks.

Monday 2nd November

Well done to pankhurst class on winning our kahoot quiz this morning. The questions were all on our learning from Autumn 1. It was very close! Both classes got one question wrong.

9th November

Milena and Irinel were our stand out children for work hard and be kind this week. Keep up the excellence!

16th Novemeber

Well done to Phoenix and Erica. This week, they were presented by Mrs Brook. She was very proud of them too!

Children in Need Day

Thank you for your kind donations!!

Anti-bullying week 16th November

Don't forget to wear your odd socks on Monday!

Bronte wear their odd socks

This week, year 4 have looked at what bullying is, how it affects people, what we need to do if we have witnessed bullying or are being bullied and discussed what makes a good friend. Here are some examples of their work.

Monday 23rd November

Progress and Patryk lead the way last week, winning work hard and be kind. Well done both of you!

Monday 30th November

Choosing work hard this week was very tricky as everyone worked extremely hard last week so I decided to do a class work hard certificate. A huge well done Bronte class. Very proud of you all!

Anas got awarded for the be kind certificate. Wdll done :D


Natanim as been exploring business ideas as he wants to become a successful businessman whilst still in education. He is only year 4! What an ambitious boy he is!

Here is a top he designed as a test for his brand. We love it! Well done Natanim.

Friday 4th December

Well done to Pankhurst class for winning the Attendance cup with an overall Attendance of 98.37%! Keep coming to school everyday!

Christmas Jumper Day

Don't forget children can come in their Christmas jumpers Wednesday 9th December. We will be doing Christmassy english and maths activities in the morning and making Christmas tree decorations in the afternoon for our school Christmas tree.

Monday 7th December

This week our 'work hard' certificate went to Patryk for writing spectacular non-finite clauses in english. Our 'be kind' certificate went to Natanim for being an encouraging, supportive team member. Well done boys!

Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 14th December

Our last work hard Certificate before Christmas went to Bahar. She has been applying everything taught in maths in english to her independent work! Keep it up :D

100 % Attendance

Wow, well done Bronte for having so many children who earned their 100 % attendance certificate for Autumn term. Hopefully, next half term we will win the trophy one week!!

Merry Christmas

Tuesday 15th December- last school day!!

We hope everyone has a lovely and safe Christmas break with family and friends (following the rules). We look forward to seeing you back in the new year Tuesday 5th January!

Monday 11th January

A huge well done to Phoenix and Zaid for their efforts last week in school.

A huge well done to Zak for being our Seesaw star of the week!

Monday 18th January

I was very proud when Miss Brook brought round our achievement certificates this week. Both Pankhurst girls have been excellent role models. Keep it up Gracie and Nadine.

Monday 25th January

Well done Katie for getting our be kind certificate this week (I could choose you every week as you are always amazing). Also Kamerlei for winning work hard certificate for an amazing independent write!

Monday 1st February

A week for the boys! A huge well done to Ben, he has been applying year 4 sentence structures to his writing and making it very sophisticated. Sven got 'be kind' for always being polite, smiley and having a positive attitude.

Monday 8th February

The last certificates before half term got awarded to Sanjay and Bahar. Sanjay for always being kind and polite and being a responsible member of the bubble. Bahar got work hard for her brilliant short and complex sentences she used for effect.

Safer Internet Day

Happy Safer Internet Day! The wonderful year 4 bubble have been exploring how to stay safe online. We crafted some secret usernames that would keep our information private and we mapped out our digital footprints. Have a look at our amazing work and our very proud quiz winners! Remember to stay SMART online Year 4.


Mothers Day

We hope you all had a lovely day :D

Monday 15th March

Well done Milena and Anas for winning this weeks certificates

Monday 22nd March

A huge round of applause to Bliss and Phoenix for being awarded this weeks certificates for work hard (this week I couldn't choose between them so did two work hard).


Bronte showed last terms learning by winning the Kahoot quiz. Well done both classes :D

Don't Give up Duck

This half term our work hard theme is don't give up duck. The children were amazing at this when making their towers using marshmallows and sticks.


This half term Bronte have our gymnastics coach David for our sessions. The class loved their first one practising shapes and rolls.


Great news, we can now attend our swimming sessions, following the new government guidelines.

You should have received a letter this week with all the information on too.

The sessions are during school hours. We will walk to and from Portland leisure Centre and then have 1 hour and half session.

Bronte- Monday

Pankhurst- Tuesday

Please ensure your child brings a suitable costume or swim shorts/trunks and a towel. If you would like your child to wear goggles please return the letter before the first session.

EXTRA session- Wednesday. This will be for the non- swimmers from both classes. The swimming instructors will access the children at their first session and we will let you know who will then be going to the Wednesday session.

Monday 19th April

This weeks winners were Bliss (be kind) and Kayden (work hard). A huge well done to both of them! :D

Monday 26th April

Well done to this weeks winner Shay and Shane :D What super role models they are!

Well done to Tiao and Uminiya for working hard this week! Keep it up :D

Boxes (great start)

Thank you to those who have already kindly sent in boxes. If you have any more at home or know someone who has just moved house please bring them in. We still need some more so that every child can make a Roman Shield. Thank you for your support.

Monday 3rd May

Another two children who worked extremely hard last week particulary in english. I loved reading their independent writes about Boudicca's rebellion :D

Well done Sienna and Kamarlei!

Well done to Gracie for working incredibly hard in English and to the Pankhurst breakfast children for being so polite :D

Monday 10th May

Two children working hard last week were Erica and Analia! Keep it up girls!

Well done to Katie for being an amazing member of Pankhurst class, always being so helpful! Well done to Yasin for his improved, positive attitude towards learning :D


Bronte and Pankhurst class received certificates for their awesome efforts swimming from their instructors today. They are very impressed with the start they have made and the huge progress they have made in the pool in just a few weeks of lessons. Keep it up everyone :D

Monday 17th May

This week Sanjay was awarded our work hard certificate for writing outstanding paragraphs on the Romans for his information book! The whole class got the be kind certificate for looking after and cheering up children who were sad or hurt at playtimes. Well done everyone :D


Well done to all of Bronte class who achieved their level 7 in gymnastics with our coach David.

Headteachers award

Well done Sanjay for getting a headteachers award today for your amazing independent write. You applied all the year four grammar we have been learning to use. Mrs Russell and I are very proud of you :D

Monday 24th May

The final week before half term we had two work hard certificates that went to Deborah and Anna. Well done Girls!

Monday 14th June

Well done Patrick and Milena for impressing Mrs Russell and I during the first week back after half term. Super efforts :D

Monday 21st June

This week, I couldn't just choose one child for work hard as all children worked incredibly hard during assessment week. So I awarded the certificate to the whole of Bronte Class. I was a very proud teacher

Well Done Kamarlei for getting our 'be kind' this week. The swimming instructors and myself noticed how kind and helpful he was without being asked :D

Race for Life

We captured some pictures of the children taking part in our race for life. The children did a fabulous job and managed to complete their 3 laps. Thank you to everyone who sponsored or got sponsorships for our chosen charities.

Monday 28th June

It was the week for the girls.

Milena and Arihanna got our be kind certificates for both helping around the classroom, being my right hand girls. Progress got awarded our work hard certificate for her fabulous writing, building tension in her writing and using 'show don't tell'.

Well done girls :D


I am very proud of Bronte class for the progress they have made in swimming in a short space of time. We had 16 children who achieved their 25m badge.

An extra well done to Milena who swam 50m and Natanim who managed 200m!!

Monday 5th July

Well done to our winners this week (2nd to last ones of the year).

Erica earnt be kind and Kayden work hard :D

March 2025


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